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HPV Social Media Toolkit For Use With Students: Gen Z Can Beat HPV Campaign

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Item # HS48_E
(February 2021)

The American College Health Foundation, with support from an independent educational grant from Merck & Co., Inc., has developed a new social media toolkit for college health professionals to promote education and awareness of HPV vaccination in the college aged population. This toolkit contains powerful representative images aimed at a variety of students and formatted for use on Twitter and Instagram. It also includes a customizable printable flyer and infographic. HPV is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection. In light of the disruption the pandemic has caused to routine vaccination schedules, including the HPV vaccine series, it is appropriate to focus our attention on catching students up to avoid this preventable infection and the long-term associated risks. Bring the #GenZCanBeatHPVCampaign to your school.

You will receive a link to download the toolkit at the bottom of your order receipt, or can access the download by visiting "View Previous Orders". The file is a large (170 mb) compressed archive (.7z).

There is no cost for this brochure.

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